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  • Marine Biologist | Educator

    I've worked across a breadth of industries including fisheries biology, coral reef ecology, algal botany, hematopathology, sustainable entrepreneurship, nonprofit, swimming, coaching, social do good and charity campaigns, as well as in the music industry. I am currently working as a marine biologist and educator with Rustic Pathways in Fiji, as the Vice President of Business Operations for Terratribes, an outdoor education and adventure company in China, and with a nonprofit, Swim Brayv, in leading education efforts on drowning statistics and providing scholarship opportunities for swim lessons to children that are in need. I am passionate about protecting the environment from negative human impacts and founded and own a sustainable sunglasses and watch company Cardiff® that's goal is to eliminate single-use plastics.

  • linkedin.com/in..
  • Joined 5 years ago
  • Sydney, Australia
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  •   cody commented on this post about 5 years
    Thanks Cody for linking me up to your professional network on LinkedIn
    I am delighted to be able to follow your various exploits in Marine Biology
    Hopefully we are able to build some collaborative efforts in sustainabilty education
    Accept my highest esteem for your great work
    In Community,
    Joshua Konkankoh
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