Prior to European settlement the Greater Sooty Owl was abundant in Victoria's montane forests. Due to loss of habitat, it is now listed as endangered in Victoria.
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Prior to European settlement the Greater Sooty Owl was abundant in Victoria's montane forests. Due to loss of habitat, it is now listed as endangered in Victoria.
Tasmanian Devils are threatened by Devil Facial Tumour Disease. The disease afflicts three quarters of Tasmania's Devils but is absent from Devils in the Tarkine in Tasmania's North West.
Neonicotinoids are a class of pesticide that has been linked to adverse ecological effects, including honey-bee colony collapse disorder and loss of birds due to reductions in insect populations.
The Leadbeater's or "fairy possum" is Victoria's iconic faunal emblem. This marsupial lives in ancient tree hollows in Toolangi and the Central Highlands and when fully grown can fit in the palm of a human hand.
ShareWaste is a community initiative and a free world-wide online app connecting people to recycle their organic waste
Australia is facing a biodiversity crisis, over 500 species are listed as threatened under the Federal Environmental Preservation and Biodiversity Conservation Act.
The Glossy Black-Cockatoo, Calyptorhynchus lathami, is the smallest of the five black-cockatoos. Populations have declined, with local extinctions and range contraction mainly caused by habitat clearing.
The Powerful Owl, Ninox Strenua, is Australia's largest owl. It lives mainly in tall, humid forests but can also be found in semi-arid areas.