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ACS Distance Education

©2019 ACS Distance Education

The bookshop offers a large variety of short courses and eBooks in environmental studies. The short courses are self-paced and only take up to 20 hours.

Our more intuitive courses (100-900 hours) are not offered on the bookshop.

ACS has trained a large number of environmental activists since 1979; you can view more on the topic at our Vimeo page. One of our favourite stories is Pam; Pam studied a self-paced fully customizable course with ACS, & went on to found a not for profit sanctuary for rescued farmed animals. View her story here

All Echo Active members will receive a 10% discount on the bookshop


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Nature inspired street art: Brunswick, Melbourne and global...
The issues and the solutions...
Riding for the Great Forest is an open ended grass roots cycling campaign, highlighting th...
For all things leafy...


Recent studies have found that nocturnal light pollution is a significant contributor...
Deforestation, especially clearfelling, is an unsustainable process that threatens wi...
Symmetry is a short conceptual film about how we as humans have recreated jungles in our c...
The Christmas Island Pipistrelle, Pipistrellus murrayi, has not been declared extinct...

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The Mountain Pygmy Possum is Australia's only hibernating marsupial. It lives in Victoria'...
Your Story. Reimagined....
Restoring failed forests, monitoring turtles, birds and corals, and teaching our Peop...
The issues and the solutions...

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