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Tarkine Trails

Tarkine Trails

Tarkine Trails offers three unique tours, for newcomers to serious hikers, that allow you to experience the rawness of the forest but with modern luxuries along the way. 

The Tarkine, in Tasmania's remote North West, is a unique, 65 million year old remnant of Gondwana and the largest temperate rainforest in the Southern Hemisphere. It should not be missed!

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Our organic partners in Melbourne are located in Brunswick, Elsternwick, South Melbou...
Deforestation, especially clearfelling, is an unsustainable process that threatens wi...
Incredibly diverse, colourful, endlessly fascinating, and cute and squelchy, frogs are sad...
Near Elsternwick station, Glo sells a range of organic fruit and veg and freshly cooked or...


The Great Forest National Park is a proposed park in Victoria's Central Highlands, North E...
Trees and plants exhibit many of the same features that we associate with intelligence and...
Symmetry is a short conceptual film about how we as humans have recreated jungles in our c...
Brentwood is a beautifully situated Bed and Breakfast located in the Yarra Valley, just 5 ...

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Your Story. Reimagined....
The Tarkine, in North West Tasmania, is the second largest unbroken patch of cool tem...
We restore mangroves and create habitat for sea turtles...
Our local volunteer community groups meet monthly to clean beaches in Melbourne ...

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