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Toolangi & Victorian Central Highlands

Toolangi & Victorian Central Highlands

Toolangi means tall trees in Taungurung, a local indigenous dialect. Just 70 minutes from Melbourne, the area features old-growth rainforest and towering Mountain Ash gums, the tallest flowering trees on Earth. The forest is currently being logged by the state owned logging company, Vicforests, and old-growth forests in the highlands are now down to just over 1% of their pre-industrial habitat. Toolangi is also home to the Leadbeater's possum, a critically endangered Aussie icon that's thought to number less than 1500.



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  •   dincon commented on this post about 4 years
    Lush cool temperate rainforest just out of Melbourne #wirrawilla #toolangi #rainforest
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  • Spent a couple days in my favourite cool-temperate part of the world, surrounded by giant ferns, towering Mountain Ash gums and sadly, chunks of logged forest #toolangi #fern
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  •   dani reacted to this post about 6 years
    Fern bud #toolangi #dicksoniaantarctica
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  •   dani reacted to this post about 6 years
    amy shared a track
    #toolangi #superblyrebird
    Toolangi Lyrebird
    Listen to Toolangi Lyrebird by panophelia #np on #SoundCloud
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