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Bogota Birding

© Bogota Birding

We are Birding & Nature Colombia Tours - Bogota Birding, a wonderful company specialized in tourism of birding, nature, wildlife, herping, safari for observation of mammals, butterfly and nature photography.

In addition, the company promotes through its activities environmental education and the conservation of bird species and their habitats and we actively participate in projects and reseach on biological diversity.

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To conserve the Amazon river dolphin and its environment through research...
We restore mangroves and create habitat for sea turtles...
​The Regent Honeyeater, Anthochaera phrygia, closely related to the wattlebird, is a criti...
The Greater Glider is Australia's largest gliding marsupial....


Volunteers looking after Caulfield and Caulfield South by reducing litter on local streets...
We restore mangroves and create habitat for sea turtles...
Rewilding is large-scale conservation aimed at restoring and protecting natural processes ...
A film about Permaculture, Gaia, Climate Change and Peak Oil...

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Non-profit that educates citizens and politicians to protect the Earth...
Noojee is a picturesque town in Victoria's Central Highlands, part of the proposed Gr...
The coaching tool "SUSLA" helps you individually to experience a greener way of life...
Prior to European settlement the Greater Sooty Owl was abundant in Victoria's montane fore...

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