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Plant Communication

Plant Communication

Trees and plants exhibit many of the same features that we associate with intelligence. They form intricate interconnected wood wide webs consisting of tree roots, vascular systems, and underground hyphal networks that allow sophisticated communication and sharing of resources that Western science is only beginning to understand


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  • Wow. Too cool! #plantcommunication
    Electrical experiments with plants that count and communicate | Greg Gage
    Neuroscientist Greg Gage takes sophisticated equipment used to study the brain out of graduate-level labs and brings them to middle- and high-school classroo...
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  • david added the page
    Trees and plants exhibit many of the same features that we associate with intelligence and allow them to create highly sophisticated interconnected communications networks...
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  •   dani reacted to this post about 6 years
    #treecommunication #trees #plantcommunication
    How trees secretly talk to each other - BBC News
    Trees talk and share resources right under our feet, using a fungal network nicknamed the Wood Wide Web. Some plants use the system to support their offsprin...
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