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WA Forest Alliance

Forests for Life © 2018 WA Forest Alliance

WA Forest Alliance is the umbrella group for more than 20 forest conservation groups in WA. We have been campaigning for the south-west forests since 1990 and have developed a comprehensive plan for protecting the remaining forests and transitioning the timber industry to farm forestry and sustainably managed plantations.



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  • Aphrodite, a monk seal was born in the Akamas National Park, in the Peyia sea caves on December 5th 2018 and died in May 2019.
    The most probable cause of it's death, the experts said, was human activities in the areas the seal hunted for its food.
    The Mediterranean monk seal, is the most endangered species of seal in the world and the only type in the region. Heartbreaking! #forests #forestsforlife #EndangeredSpecies #natura2000 #akamasnationalpark
    Photo source: Cyprus MOA
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  • The Akamas National Park, lies on the west coast of my country, Cyprus. It's wildlife diversity, is crucial for the ecology in the Mediterranean.
    From the EU Environment archive, Akamas is the home of 168 varieties of birds, 20 different reptiles, 16 species of butterfly and 12 different mammals. In addition to that, there is a very rich variety of fauna.
    The European Council has included Akamas, in its Mediterranean Protection Programme. Despite that, the Cyprus Government, has yet to fully declare it as a National Park due to tourist and local landowners reasons.
    Until today, both Friends of the Earth and Green Peace, are lobbying hard for it. Even though the battle has not been won, the fight is not over yet!
    #natura2000 #euenvironment #trees #megafauna #birds #forests #forestsforlife #akamasnationalpark
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    WA Forest Alliance campaigns for the protection of WA's south-west forests...
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