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  • Wildlife portrait artist

    During my travels in 2005 with Friends of the National Parks Foundation in the deep jungles of Borneo, the eyes of the orangutans and exquisite beauty of native Indonesian wildlife struck me. That was the catalyst for my mission to raise funds and awareness for endangered wildlife. At the time, I had the exciting opportunity to visit the rehabilitation centre for orangutans. I remember how heavy and steamy the air was as I walked towards one of the enclosures. The heaviness eased when my eyes met the most loving, big brown eyes I had ever seen. These eyes captivated me. The love shining from her eyes will stay with me forever. It was the key to unlocking the personality and sentience that I burn to express through each of my works. The animals need a voice. As a visual artist, I feel I must be that voice and help conservation organizations as much as I can.

  • geraldineswildlifear..
  • Joined 5 years ago
  • Collaroy Beach, Australia
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