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  • Plantbased & Lifestyle Mentor,

    50+ Pro Aging. Passionate for healing, selflove, selfcare and self empowerment. * For feminine empowerment, transforming old limiting patterns and healing eating disorders. * 30 Years experience in plant based eating, including raw food diets, cleansing, alkalising and juice fasting. * Plus nutritional cleansing and regeneration programs to clear toxic burden and rebalance nutritional status. * Experience in healing modalities including Spiritual, Reiki, Shamanic work. * Tropic Skincare Ambassador which is 100% natural and non toxic to us or the earth. * Professionally worked as a Garden Designer for 20 plus years. * Previously worked in TV. * Passionate for the outdoors, the healing balm that nature is, connecting to the power of nature. * Fitness and movement are an integral aspect within my life. * Other interests are conservation, organic gardening, kitchen gardening for food. * Passionate for wildlife and favourite trust due to my interest in and love of `Elephants` is The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

  • theempoweredqueen.com
  • Joined 4 years ago
  • Camberley, United Kingdom
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