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  •   dincon commented on this post about 4 years
    Sanctuary of the Herbivores OBJECTIVE EKOSISTEM❤️✌️
    Community of oxygen multipliers.: immersed in nature, follow us and join us to support growth, innovation and social cohesion.
    Mission: restore disused agricultural land, regulate organic rules, sustainability (manual agricultural work) sharing, integration, participation, collaboration, management of existing resources, for the benefit of all, including future generations. Right now EKOSISTEM❤️✌️
    Fight against poverty. Essential for life on Earth. Meadows surrounded by woods. Amalgamation.
    Legitimacy. Farmer and Director of the Earth. Creative. Social innovation.To adapt. Biodiversity. Manual agricultural work.
    Acquisition of land to multiply oxygen communities and Herbivorous Sanctuaries. to encourage and facilitate the establishment of
    Young people and Families In Ekosistem also for organizational support and dissemination
    . Counteracting climate change. Rediscover the contact whit EKosistem
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