What is measured can be managed.
What is mis-measured is mismanaged.
Climate change has placed protected area managers in a vulnerable position because they have no clear knowledge or strategy to reduce the risk of catastrophic fire.
They continue the failed practices of suppression and reaction instead of a benign and proactive approach.
Fires are on the increase yet many protected area managers and conservationists are in an unsustainable reaction mode of response.
In this reactive state of management, biological diversity of forests, wetlands and savannas are threatened by severe fires having unprecedented impact.
Conservation decision makers know little about how to prepare for the impacts of frequent fire because they know little about fire ecology and fire risk.
Measuring and identifying fire risk and fuels are critical for increasing the positive effects of fire while limiting destructive and potentially catastrophic fires.
Dos Fuegos can help protected areas measure and manage fuels and fire risk while designing ecologically appropriate fire regimes to take the worry out of an uncertain climate future.