You can’t learn much in a classroom unless it is supported by live fire.
Sure… classroom training is required for certificate and good things can happen when trainers and trainees spend time together.
But one cannot become competent and effective from a power point presentation by a sage on a stage.
One must have shoulder to flame.
This short video from the pine savannas of Belize tells the story of a group of The Nature Conservancy fire professionals working with their colleagues from the Southern Belize Fire Working Group and Dos Fuegos Fire Management to learn fire suppression skills through live fire exercises.
Dos Fuegos Fire Management can design and facilitate a variety of field based-trainings to meet the challenges of the serious threats we face by uncontrolled fire.
A 14 day workshop was designed to achieve live fire operations so participants could experience leadership opportunities in wildland fires. Doing this workshop, participants learned to manage uncontrolled wildfires on the pine savannas of Deep...
A 14 day workshop was designed to achieve live fire operations so participants could experience leadership opportunities in wildland fires. Doing this workshop, participants learned to manage uncontrolled wildfires on the pine savannas of Deep River Forest Reserve, Belize.