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    Dawn Chorus in Mt Buangor
    Dawn chorus recorded in Mount Buangor State Park, Western Victoria, December 2018.This soundtrack features kookaburras, magpies, black cockatoos and a high pitched backing track courtesy of some superb fairy wrens. If you listen carefully, you...
    Dawn chorus recorded in Mount Buangor State Park, Western Victoria, December 2018.This soundtrack features kookaburras, magpies, black cockatoos and a high pitched backing track courtesy of some superb fairy wrens. If you listen carefully, you may even hear a lyrebird.Thanks for listening!To support our work, please donate a coffee or two at https://echoactive.com/donateWe've also got a 2.5 hour journey recorded in Toolangi, in Victoria's lush cool-temperate rainforest. Join our community to get access. Visit https://echoactive.com for more info
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