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Bee Gardens

The Amateur Anthecologist - Captured honeybee on Helianthus

As natural habitat shrinks and humanity paves over the wild, life becomes more difficult for the beings, the pollinators, who make it possible for much of what we eat to flourish. We can help.

The Honey Bee Garden

Seed Suggestions: sweet alyssum, coriander, dill, tansy, corn poppies, and white yarrow.


  1. You can add your choice of the above-mentioned plants to the border of an existing garden bed, for example; simply pick the plants that best match your existing design.

  2. You can create a bee garden. If this is your choice, you may want to place the garden as far away from the area of the backyard where you sit and enjoy the evening. This is not for your or your visitors' protection but for the bees; you do not want your guest swatting at them because they were attracted to the clothes that someone is wearing; for example, bees cannot see red but do like white.

  3. Sow small amounts of each seed type that you have selected on well-prepared soil. Follow the instructions on the package for sowing.

  4. Gently water the seeds and be sure to keep the ground moist during the first month or so.

  5. Enjoy, you can pick the herbs and flower for your own use as long as you leave some for the bees.


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