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  • Zoology Student

    Hi! My name is Tyler and I am a zoology student here in Wales in the UK. My passions include conservation, wildlife photography, and I am aspiring to hopefully work in wildlife documentaries once I complete my educational career. I would also love to go into field research, as for the last year I have been working in the Bornean jungle for my year in industry as part of my undergraduate degree, which has been one hell of an experience!

  • Joined 4 years ago
  • Swansea, United Kingdom
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  • To see multiple wild cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) together is actually quite a rarity considering they are mostly solitary when adults. However, you can sometimes come across siblings on the cusp of maturity that have formed coalitions due to growing up together. It was lovely to see three sub-adults finding their feet together, and it's just a shame that I wasn't able to get all three in one picture! #tjcphotography
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  • This beautiful little bird is a lilac-breasted roller (Coracias caudatus) that I came across in the Tarangire National Park in Tanzania. Although they may look cute, these birds are actually voracious predators. They spend much of their day surveying from their perch for insects, scorpions, small reptiles, and even small rodents! #tjcphotography
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    TJC Photography
    A collection of wildlife photos...
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