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  • earthsounds shared a track
    #easounds #frogs #borneo
    Night Soundscape - Tawau Hills
    In the hill rainforests of north-eastern Sabah, tiny Bornean Treehole Frogs (Metaphrynella sundana) call to create a magical nocturnal soundscape. In order to make their calls as loud as possible, males of this species adjust the frequency of...
    In the hill rainforests of north-eastern Sabah, tiny Bornean Treehole Frogs (Metaphrynella sundana) call to create a magical nocturnal soundscape. In order to make their calls as loud as possible, males of this species adjust the frequency of their 'toop' call to match the natural resonance of the small water-filled treehole they live inside. Often a number of males can be heard calling from different sized holes in the same area, creating a delightful soundscape of 'toop' notes at various pitches.
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