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Great Koala National Park

Great Koala National Park

Koalas are one of the world's most beloved species yet their populations in eastern Australia are in free fall. Around Bega in southern NSW there used to be so many koalas that pelts were exported to Europe. Now there are less than 100.

Saving Our National Icon

We urgently need to take action to ensure our kids and grandkids will be able to see wild koalas in NSW.

The National Parks Association of NSW is campaigning for the Great Koala National Park (GKNP) in the Coffs Harbour hinterland. The GKNP will protect some of eastern Australia's most important koala populations - and become a world class tourism draw card. China offers a valuable lesson: their action to protect giant panda habitats has resulted in World Heritage listing for their spectacular forests.


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  •   dani commented on this post about 5 years
    Tasmanian photographer Steve Pearce spent several days climbing great heights to capture the perfect Tree Project Portrait of a 250-year-old Blackbutt near Bellingen, to show communities what they have. The tree is set to be logged under new NSW Coastal Logging Laws????

    Steve's interest in the area was sparked after seeing photos of the forest on the Facebook page of a local member of the Bellingen Environment Centre, Jonas Bellchambers

    "It's one of the only good patches of old growth in that area of the horseshoe, and it straddles a ridge in the headwaters of the Kalang river," Mr Bellchambers said.

    "Locals and members of The Bellingen Environment Centre have been spending more time out there exploring ever since NSW Government announced plans to log the area. So far we have found endangered Rufous Scrub Birds, Koalas, and some massive trees. It's just a rare little ecosystem that stands out in the area."

    ‘Save some for the kids#greatkoalanationalparkark
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  •   woody reacted to this post about 7 years
    npa added the page
    Great Koala National Park
    Koalas are one of the world's most beloved species yet their populations in eastern Australia are in free fall. Around Bega in southern NSW there used to be so many koalas that pelts were exported to Europe. Now there are less than 100....
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