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  • Agroforester

    Rowan (B.For.Sci. & M.For.Sci.) is a forester amongst farmers. His latest book is "Heartwood - the art and science of growing trees for conservation and profit". He won the Australian Eureka Prize for his farmer course (The Australian Master TreeGrower), which he continues to deliver around Australia and internationally (Africa, Timor Leste, Indonesia, Vanuatu etc.). Rowan has lectured a subject in agroforestry at Melbourne University since 1991 and is now the managing director
of the Australian Agroforestry Foundation. Most importantly, Rowan is also a farmer and tree grower in his own right, with a family farm in the Otway Ranges of southern Victoria and a founder of one of Australia’s most successful Landcare groups, the Otway Agroforestry Network. More than 12,000 visitors have toured his Bambra Agroforestry Farm, which is set up as a 42-hectare outdoor classroom for farmers, scientists, students and tree lovers, and a living laboratory for his own learning.

  • agroforestry.net.au
  • Joined 5 years ago
  • Bambra, Australia
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