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  • The TREEDUCATION FUND is a multifaceted initiative aimed at mitigating climate change through mangrove restoration, enhancing local community livelihoods, and supporting the education of underprivileged children. By restoring mangrove ecosystems, the programme promotes carbon sequestration, protects coastal regions, and supports biodiversity. Concurrently, it generates sustainable income opportunities for local communities and funds educational scholarships for needy children, ensuring long-term socio-economic and environmental benefits.


    Restore and conserve mangrove ecosystems.
    Enhance local community livelihoods through sustainable practices.
    Support education for underprivileged children.

    Hectares of mangroves restored.
    Number of local jobs created.
    Scholarships awarded to needy children.

    Local coastal communities.
    Underprivileged children in the community.
    The broader ecosystem and climate.

    Improved coastal resilience and biodiversity.
    Increased household incomes and economic stability.
    Enhanced educational opportunities and literacy rates.
    Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Supported:

    SDG 1: No Poverty
    SDG 4: Quality Education
    SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
    SDG 13: Climate Action
    SDG 14: Life Below Water
    SDG 15: Life on Land

    Over 100 Children have been supported
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  • cobecnet uploaded a photo in the album Timeline Photos
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  • Things are Changing and everyone needs to take a step towards the right direction. Here is a Life-time opportunity that you will LIVE to Remember. We want to put a Mark in Your Life by Planting a Tree during your Birthday. Trees planted will depend on your Age - If you are 10 years, we will plant 10 trees for you - and if your Daughter or Son is 1, we will plant 1 tree. We will be updating the number of trees very year during your Birthday. We will then Keep a thorough Record of all your family members of the Trees you manage to Plants in a Year. When your Birthday is approaching, we will sent you an Alert saying that your Birthday Trees are READY for planting. All you have to Do is - Just Donate/Pay for ONE TREE - ONE DOLLAR and make a Mark on Earth that will Stay. We are also Providing you with a Map to select where you want the Trees to be Planted. Select the site and send us an email at info.cobec.or.ke copy to [email protected] or Whatsapp at +254770147330

    Together we will Combat Climate Change - Cleansing the Footprints of years Lived by Planting Trees

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  • With or Without CORONA - We are not Relenting Until the Entire Ecosystem is Restored

    We are happy to have hosted Hon. Najibu Balala, CS Tourism during the Launch of Our Ecosystem Restoration Project in Mida Creek - We Planted a total of 10400 Seedlings. We are in a Journey to see Mida Creek is Fully Restored...Every Open place/area will be filled. The One Million Tree Restoration Project. Join Us Now and and Support Our Project - Give only One Dollar

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  •   esambuzaid commented on this post about 3 years
    Happy New year my brother
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  •   cobecnet commented on this post about 3 years
    These are over 200000 seedlings that are to be planted once funds are available. Be a Part of this Change and become a Supporter of this good Work. With as little as One Dollar, you can make a difference. #cobec
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  •   david commented on this post about 4 years
    This is for you to be part of the Team. At such a time when people are swallowed by the effects and impacts of COVID-19, many of the resources are geared towards mitigate this pandemic leaving out life-support systems. As the focus has shifted to health issues, there is a lot of environmental degradation going on. People have lost livelihoods and income sources thus resorting to forests and oceans as their safety nets. We have witnessed how communities are dependent on these ecosystems how they are depleting them.

    We are now campaigning for re-planting 200,000 mangrove trees during this time of COVID-19. We want you to support this initiative and know that we can't destroy our life-support systems as doing so will wipe all of us from the face of the earth. We want you to be counted by planting only one tree as comfortable as you can. With only one Dollar, you will counted as a philanthropist who support matters environment. Check this link  https://gogetfunding.com/just-one-tree-for-me-stop-covid-19stop-climate-change-let-me-be-counted/
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  • How are you doing? Just following up on the request for a Laptop that you were trying get for our project

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  •   cobecnet commented on this post about 4 years
    We have Received a Small Grant from IUCN to ScaleUp Sea Turtle Conservation - to establish an LMMA. I am Appealing to anyone who has a Second -Hand Laptop to assist the Project Staff. We need atleast two Laptops. Any Person or organization with these equipment can send to Us. Thank you #cobec
    • what software or operating system do you require on your used laptop? (I see that your post is 2 months old,this may no longer be relevant)
    • Dear Waterwoman,
      The post and need is still relevant to date as we have not yet received any laptop. I require the laptops to have Windows OperatingDear Waterwoman,
      The post and need is still relevant to date as we have not yet received any laptop. I require the laptops to have Windows Operating System. Thank you very much. My Address is
      Edward S. Mwamuye
      P.O. Box 336-80100
      Mombasa - Kenya
      Cell: +254720825923

      You can Use DHL.
        More ...
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  • Together with the local community at Muyu wa Kae, a total of 2000 mangrove trees were planted on Monday 21st October #cobec
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