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Cobec Kenya is an environmental NGO that protects coastal areas and the species that inhabit them, including sea turtles. We're a not-for-profit and urgently seek financial assistance to restore the habitat of these magnificent endangered creatures by planting mangroves.

Threats to Mangroves
Key threats to mangroves in the seascape include over-exploitation of wood and non-wood products, conversion of mangroves areas to other land uses such as rice farming, infrastructure development, pollution effects and sedimentation. Climate change is also to some extent affecting the remaining mangroves, particularly through sea-level rise, aridity and influx of freshwater causing floods and sedimentation. Key drivers leading to deterioration of mangroves in the seascape has been lack of cohesion among stakeholders in the use and management of the resource. This has been exacerbated by a lack of recognition of customary rules and indigenous knowledge in governing subsistent use of mangrove resources. 

The total area of mangroves in the Kenya is estimated at 61,271 ha, with 8,354 ha or 14% of the total mangrove coverage being in Kwale County in which Shimoni-Vanga lie. An overarching problem facing the seascape is environmental degradation due to weak community organizational capacity in collective decision making and action in building and maintaining the resilience of these socio-ecological landscapes.

The Need for Reforestation
Mangrove forests are coastal plant communities that are part of a larger coastal ecosystem that typically includes mud flats, seagrass meadows, tidal marshes, salt barrens and even coastal upland forests and freshwater wetlands (i.e. peatlands), freshwater streams and rivers. In more tropical climates coral reefs may also be part of this ecosystem. Reforestation is needed because mangroves are critical habitat for many species of fish and wildlife. They also serve as coastal fish and shellfish nursery habitat, and produce large quantities of leaf material that are the basis for a detritus food web (Hamilton and Snedaker 1984, Lewis et al. 1985). Mangroves also serve as coastal protection from hurricanes and typhoons, and riverine mangroves help remove pollutants before they enter adjacent coastal waters. Despite their documented ecological functions, mangrove forests have been dredged and filled for decades to provide for other coastal uses, including ports and housing.

Below is a short video of some of our mangrove planters hard at work!


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  •   cobecnet commented on this post about 4 years
    These are over 200000 seedlings that are to be planted once funds are available. Be a Part of this Change and become a Supporter of this good Work. With as little as One Dollar, you can make a difference. #cobec
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  •   david commented on this post about 4 years
    This is for you to be part of the Team. At such a time when people are swallowed by the effects and impacts of COVID-19, many of the resources are geared towards mitigate this pandemic leaving out life-support systems. As the focus has shifted to health issues, there is a lot of environmental degradation going on. People have lost livelihoods and income sources thus resorting to forests and oceans as their safety nets. We have witnessed how communities are dependent on these ecosystems how they are depleting them.

    We are now campaigning for re-planting 200,000 mangrove trees during this time of COVID-19. We want you to support this initiative and know that we can't destroy our life-support systems as doing so will wipe all of us from the face of the earth. We want you to be counted by planting only one tree as comfortable as you can. With only one Dollar, you will counted as a philanthropist who support matters environment. Check this link
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  •   cobecnet commented on this post about 5 years
    We have Received a Small Grant from IUCN to ScaleUp Sea Turtle Conservation - to establish an LMMA. I am Appealing to anyone who has a Second -Hand Laptop to assist the Project Staff. We need atleast two Laptops. Any Person or organization with these equipment can send to Us. Thank you #cobec
    • what software or operating system do you require on your used laptop? (I see that your post is 2 months old,this may no longer be relevant)
    • Dear Waterwoman,
      The post and need is still relevant to date as we have not yet received any laptop. I require the laptops to have Windows OperatingDear Waterwoman,
      The post and need is still relevant to date as we have not yet received any laptop. I require the laptops to have Windows Operating System. Thank you very much. My Address is
      Edward S. Mwamuye
      P.O. Box 336-80100
      Mombasa - Kenya
      Cell: +254720825923

      You can Use DHL.
        More ...
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  • Together with the local community at Muyu wa Kae, a total of 2000 mangrove trees were planted on Monday 21st October #cobec
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  •   cobecnet commented on this post about 5 years
    5000 Seedlings of Mangroves planted during the World Oceans Day on 8th June. School children were also not left behind.
    Thanks to all our supporters- WWF-Kenya, Wetlands International and Kenya Maritime Authority. #cobec
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  • It was good to see even school children participating in tree planting. We raise a generation that will be conscious to the environment and ensure it is protected #cobec
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    We are Planting Again... We can also Plant the Number of Trees You can Sponsor. We have Many Seedlings in Our Nurseries... #cobec
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  •   david commented on this post about 5 years
    Yesterday 05/06/2019 - We planted 30,000 mangrove trees ... Great work done.. Thanks for the support received from different sources.
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  • #cobec
    We do involve everyone in planting trees... We are committed and devoted to this task. And we urge everyone to be counted too. If you can't be on the ground to do it practically, ENABLE those who can to do it.. Just Sponsor some trees to be planted on your behalf. Will record it and send you photos and Videos of the Trees you sponsored for planting.
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