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Baw Baw Frog

Baw Baw Frog via Zoos Victoria

The Baw Baw Frog, Philoria frosti, a mottled brown-black native of Mount Baw Baw, is listed under the IUCN red list as critically endangered. 

The frog has a very restricted distribution and is confined to an area of only 10 square kilometres in Victoria's Central Highlands. It recently experienced a massive population crash, with surveys indicating that its numbers decreased by 98 per cent between 1993 and 2008, mainly due to logging and other environmental stresses. 

Numbers have slid even further in the past two years, and there are now less than 250 individuals now left in the wild. In 2012, the Victorian government withdrew $20,000 in funding for wild population surveys. Zoos Victoria has stepped in to allow the annual surveys to continue.



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  •   dani reacted to this post about 6 years
    Amazing work by the team at Zoos Victoria #bawbawfrog #zoosvictoria
    Baw Baw Frog- the search for a female
    Our frog field team had an ambitious plan this year... to find an elusive female Baw Baw frog to pair up with one of our males in Melbourne Zoo's Baw Baw Bun...
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