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Leadbeater's Possum

Leadbeater's Possum. Image by Justin McManus

The Leadbeater's or "fairy possum", Gymnobelideus leadbeateri, is Victoria's iconic faunal emblem. This marsupial lives in ancient tree hollows in Toolangi and the Central Highlands and when fully grown can fit in the palm of a human hand.

Managed Extinction
The possum nests in hollows in old Mountain Ash gums, forest giants that are becoming rare in Victoria due to clearfell logging. Habitat destruction means that the possum is severely restricted in its choice of suitable nesting sites and critically endangered. Logging of remnant old growth forest increasingly leaves the possum without suitable hollows in which to nest. Monitoring programs indicate that there are fewer than 1500 of these critters left in the wild, and if logging continues, the possum could face extinction if fire sweeps through its remaining habitat.



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  •   greg reacted to this post about 6 years
    Ever wondered what a Leadbeaters Possum sounds like? Not a solo Leady but this is the best the net has to offer.. #leady
    Rare possum reacts to imitation calls
    Full story: How do you check how many of the critically endangered fairy possums are still around? Talk to them, of course
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  •   dani reacted to this post about 7 years
    These forest fairies may only have 10 years left unless a Great Forest National Park is declared. C'mon Melbourne, we can do it! #leadbeaterspossum #greatforestnationalpark
    'Forest Fairy' Joins as 7,000th Animal in Nat Geo's Photo Ark | Nat Geo Wild
    Nicknamed "forest fairies," the critically endangered Leadbeater’s possum are threatened by timber harvesting and forest fires. ➡ Subscribe:
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  •   dani reacted to this post about 7 years
    In this clip featuring rare footage of the Leadbeater's Possum, Dan Harley outlines some of the dangers it faces and offers suggestions to help ensure its survival #leady
    Act Wild for Leadbeater's Possums
    Have you ever seen a forest fairy? These elusive little possums are fast, agile, super-cute and Victoria's state faunal emblem. Zoos Victoria's resident lead...
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