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Aders' Duiker

Aders' duiker female on Mnemba Island - © 2019 Lorraine Raby Bronkhorst

The Aders' duiker, Cephalophus adersi, is a type of antelope that lives in Boni Dodori and Arabuko Sokoke in Kenya, as well as Unguja, Zanzibar. It is protected under country laws in these countries. Known as Africa's rarest antelope, it is estimated that there are only between 300 and 600 Aders' duiker left in the wild and is threatened by habitat loss, feral dogs and hunting. The latest IUCN rating lists the Aders's duiker as vulnerable, after the discovery of a significant population in Boni Dodori in Northern Kenya but the species is not yet listed under CITES. The population on Zanzibar is rapidly declining and could lead to a regional extinction if more effort is not made to protect the duikers physically but the Mnemba Island population is small but flourishing.

The only videos online about the Aders' Duiker are hunting related or are very amateur, so we have included a clip below featuring a closely related species, the Red Forest Duiker, Cephalophus nataliensis.


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    Aders' Duiker
    Known as Africa's rarest antelope, there are between 300 and 600 Aders' duiker left in the wild....
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